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Spring Bill Bouquet

I made a production box and wanted a couple spring bill bouquets. I looked online and the most…

Beginner Magic Square

The magic square has been around for centuries. There are some very complex magic squares, but I…

Bubble Recipe For Ginormous Bubbles

When I go to a cooking blog I hate seeing the giant scroll bar… and no visible…

Square Knot Gag

This square knot gag is really just a silly gag, not so much a magic trick. I…

Magic Doorway – Dollar Bill Reversal

Effect A spectator holds a cut flap of a dollar bill. The magician reverses the bill –…

How To Split A Playing Card

Splitting a card is a scary proposition, when you have never done it. Actually it is not…

Fiedler’s Flier – The Ultimate Card Force – Magic Craft DIY

Effect: The magician shows an envelope to be empty, seals it closed and a spectator sits on…

Making a Himber Envelope – Magic Craft DIY

Making a Himber envelope (double pocket envelope). This is an easy magic DIY craft. This envelope allows…

Card Warp Tutorial – A Deceptively Simple But Genius Trick

Card Warp is an impressive 2 card trick, published by Roy Walton, in 1973. It was originally…

Nick Trost – Brainwave and The Olram Subtlety

I am not a huge fan of card magic. Yeah… I probably should be… but I am…